Appeals City Appeal Form "*" indicates required fields NameDate MM slash DD slash YYYY mm/dd/yyyyMailing AddressCity, State, ZipTelephoneEmail Citation #Citation Issue DateReason for Requesting Dismissal*APPEALS PROCESS: The parking program has set up an administrative appeal process for individuals who believe their parking citation was issued in error. Individuals will be contacted in approximately five to six business days after the citation appeal form has been submitted regarding the disposition of the appeal. The parking fine will hold at the original amount until you receive notice from our office regarding the disposition of your appeal. Send all evidence to at least 24 hours prior to hearing time. * The vehicle owner is required to provide an interpreter if one is needed.NOT REASONS FOR AN APPEAL: Lack of knowledge of the City’s parking regulations. Appointment conflicts or tardiness going or returning from appointments. Inability to find a legal parking space. Failure to have appropriate or sufficient amount of coins.Print Name to SignSignatureEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.