Current Issues and Pending Projects
Please remember that credit cards are accepted at all of our facilities. Please use this payment method whenever possible. Also, if you have any unused chip coins in your possession, please return them to the SPA office at your earliest convenience.
JF White-Schiavone, the contractor for the viaduct project, began the initial phase of its work in July. Parking capacity continues to be sufficient to meet demand. We expect that construction on the decks, when it begins in the fall, will not adversely affect this situation. As stated previously, the Authority will send email notifications to existing customers and post updates on our website as necessary. The potential impact of this project in our garages is being monitored regularly and additional contingency planning continues.
As requested previously, if you are a monthly parker, please make sure that the information you provide us regarding your vehicles is updated as changes occur. Our security contractor, M.J. Norton Co., issues tickets on unauthorized vehicles left in our garages and lots after closing. Many of these tickets prove unnecessary and are voided due to inaccurate information on file. Please let us know if you have changed vehicles or need to add a second vehicle to the information on file here. It is also helpful if we have your updated contact information including an email address and daytime telephone number.
The Authority has purchased a fourth Smart car for use in parking enforcement. Electric vehicle charging stations are available for your use at no charge (except for the parking fee) in the I-91 North garage and in the Columbus Center garage.
Recent facility upgrades include the following: 1) ongoing renovation of the Civic Center garage which should be completed in late October; 2) new signage at the North and South garages; 3) new lighting on the first floor of the I-91 North garage. Plans to replace the lighting on the second deck of both garages is postponed until the viaduct project work is completed; 4) bids are being solicited to replace all curb stops in the Taylor garage.
We expect to introduce a pay by phone mobile application for customer use for meter parking fees in the fall.
We will continue to support economic development activities in the City whenever possible as our resources allow. We welcome your suggestions and comments as we move forward with our mission of service to economic development in the City of Springfield.